Hestercombe Gardens Trust Ticket Portal

Bampfylde Lecture: Head Gardener at Munstead Wood

Join us for a thought provoking evening as we host our Bampfylde Winter Lecture with guest speaker Annabel Watts, Head Gardener at Munstead Wood - home to one of the most influential gardeners, Gertrude Jekyll. 

The Changing Seasons at Munstead Wood – is an illustrated talk on that very subject.

The changing seasons that Head Gardener, Annabel Watts, experiences during her every day work. The seasonal borders, the woodland and the various tasks that have to be carried out.

The garden at Munstead Wood has undergone many changes since Gertrude Jekyll lived there and this is explained during the talk. Munstead Wood today (which the National Trust acquired in April 2023) is only 11 acres of the original 15, but photographs of the other areas are explained to show the complete picture of Munstead Wood during Jekyll’s ownership and how she ran a business there, from the 1890s until her death in 1932.

Ticket options

  • Adult - Bampfylde Lecture
    Adult - Bampfylde Lecture
    0 50 max
  • Member Adult - Bampfylde Lecture
    Member Adult - Bampfylde Lecture
    0 50 max
Bampfylde Lecture: Head Gardener at Munstead Wood

Join us for a thought provoking evening as we host our Bampfylde Winter Lecture with guest speaker Annabel Watts, Head Gardener at Munstead Wood - home to one of the most influential gardeners, Gertrude Jekyll. 

The Changing Seasons at Munstead Wood – is an illustrated talk on that very subject.

The changing seasons that Head Gardener, Annabel Watts, experiences during her every day work. The seasonal borders, the woodland and the various tasks that have to be carried out.

The garden at Munstead Wood has undergone many changes since Gertrude Jekyll lived there and this is explained during the talk. Munstead Wood today (which the National Trust acquired in April 2023) is only 11 acres of the original 15, but photographs of the other areas are explained to show the complete picture of Munstead Wood during Jekyll’s ownership and how she ran a business there, from the 1890s until her death in 1932.

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